Pawpaw is a small deciduous tree native to the eastern United States and Canada. It produces a large, yellowish-green fruit that looks and tastes similar to mango. It belongs to the same plant family as the custard-apple and ylang-ylang. Pawpaw fruits are the largest edible fruit native to the United States. The flesh of the fruit has a soft, creamy texture like ripe avocado.
Pawpaw grow naturally in the wild, and has been developed into commercial varieties for growing in orchards. Wild pawpaw is typically found in forest understory where there is shade and moist soil. Find out everything about pawpaw by visiting the pawpaw pages at Kentucky State University.
We wildcraft pawpaws from our farm. This means we forage in our forests on foot and hand-pick pawpaw fruit from selected trees. This practice conserves soil and fuel. We leave plenty of fruits for wildlife and select only ripe fruits. See our store to purchase our frozen pawpaw pulp.